Thanksgiving Market…A Great Sucess

Thank you to those who bore the first day of Rochester snow and bitter cold winds to come to Atlas Eats for our Thanksgiving Market. We were able to sell much of our remaining fall produce, much more than we anticipated in fact.

It was our first retail event, for we have only been selling wholesale to restaurants and through our CSA all season, so it was nice to have a chance to connect with some new customers. It was also a treat to be right outside our family’s new restaurant and bakery, since we have been thriving on the efforts of one another’s hard work all season (Pachamama Farm coincidentally had its first harvest in the same week that Atlas Eats opened shop). Not only were they serving our braised kale inside the warm cafe, but we were behind it selling bags of raw kale to customers who had been tasting our produce on their menu all season. It seemed to reclaim the idea of “farm-to-table” for us in a genuine way.

Anyhow, now we are left with about a bushel each of carrots, daikon, spaghetti and delicata squashes to enjoy ourselves this winter. We will prepare our Thanksgiving contributions with this leftover produce, so it will continue to be shared and to nourish those who surround us. Thank you for following us this season. Happy Thanksgiving, and stay tuned, because there is so much more to come.

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About workingwithclay

This blog documents the beginning of our journey into the vast world of sustainable agriculture. We are chronicling our first season as farmers on our own land, Pachamama Farm, and the transition we are working to implement here... from retired horse pasture to vegetables.