
Our mission is to grow staple and specialty vegetables for home and restaurant kitchens.

In 2013 we had a 25-member CSA and sold to area restaurants. This year we are expanding our production and are looking for more CSA members.

Please visit our new website or contact us at pachamamafarm@gmail.com, for more information.

Ben and Emma — ready to start farming

Ben and Emma

Aerial View

Aerial View of farm

View Aerial Map                                                             View Road Map

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Emma & Ben,
    This is such a great way to observe what you are up to and to understand your methods & techniques. The farm is so beautiful and holds so much potential for your goals. You both are clearly happy & living your dream! There is nothing more gratifying than seeing those you love thrive & succeed.

    • Hi Ben & Emma, This is all so wonderful to see and read about! Way to go guys! Looking forward to seeing you in October! We’ll be in touch. Love from the three of us, AmaraSatchiJed

  2. Hi Emma and Ben, Lisa and I have enjoyed watching your website this year. You have made great progress on your place. I entered a lottery last winter to get a puny packet of Glass Gems corn from Native Seed/Search. See pictures at their site. I got a nice crop from 26 seeds the size of a lentil. I have enough to share if you would like some. I think the dried ears would make a nice farewell gift in your last CSA package next fall provided that you can keep it safe from deer.
    Let me know, Tom

    • Hi Tom,

      Glad to hear you’ve been following our blog. We definitely had a great first year. We’d be happy to try some of your corn, although we are busy preparing for our wedding over the next two weeks. So, its unlikely we will have any time to come to your place before mid October. If you want to send them in the mail to us that would be great. Let me know what you think, Ben

      • Congratulations! Just read that you two are getting married. Very, very happy for you both!

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