About workingwithclay

This blog documents the beginning of our journey into the vast world of sustainable agriculture. We are chronicling our first season as farmers on our own land, Pachamama Farm, and the transition we are working to implement here... from retired horse pasture to vegetables.

New Blog Posts—Please subscribe!

Once again we want to remind our old workingwithclay subscribers to sign up to receive our new blog posts via email. We have posted a few entries on our new website already, and will be continuing to add content weekly. So, if you want to stay tuned to happenings at Pachamama Farm please remember to subscribe!! Thanks, and sorry for any previous confusion in this regard.

Please subscribe to new blog

As we previously mentioned, we just launched our NEW WEBSITE: www.PachamamaFarmNY.com. On our new website we have begun a NEW BLOG for the 2014 season. We made a mistake however in stating that our blog subscribers on workingwithclay would be transferred to the new blog, so please sign up to receive our new blog posts via email, even if you already are signed up for this old blog. You may do so by entering your email address on the right sidebar at www.PachamamaFarmNY.com/farm-blog. Thanks again for your support of Pachamama Farm.

Last Post on Workingwithclay…New Website!

As we launch our 2014 season, we will be posting blogs on our new websitewww.PachamamaFarmNY.com. Please check us out and continue to follow our blogs by subscribing to receive our posts via email.

If you already subscribe to workingwithclay, you don’t have to do a thing. We will be asking WordPress to move your subscription over to PachamamaFarmNY.com.

Thanks for your support in following our first season on workingwithclay. We look forward to sharing more as our agricultural adventures continue to unfold.