It feels like Fall

We have nearly made it through our first growing season. With only two more weeks of our CSA, we have been busy harvesting as much fall produce as possible for our members. Last week we harvested 900 lbs of winter squash, and we still have about twice that much in the fields! It was one of the most gratifying harvests we have had to date, for the squash are beautiful, tasty, and so prolific.

We also have been enjoying a late summer crop of Mexican Sour Gherkins. These neat little guys look like miniature watermelon, but taste like a sour cucumber when you bite into them. They are only the size of a large marble, but their small climbing vines have yielded enough for us to supply restaurants with this delicacy, and to share them with our CSA this week.

Mexican Sour Gherkins

Mexican Sour Gherkins

Our multi-color carrots have been a real hit with our members and with restaurants. Until recently however, trimming and washing them was a real chore. But as an early wedding gift, our dear friend and CSA member Kris gave us a very cool new piece of equipment–an antique potato washer. What we now call the “carrot boat”, is a slatted wooden table of sorts, with two sides and a narrow front end. After they are topped, we put the carrots in this mesh-line boat and spray them down; all the dirt falls free and they come sparkling clean. It has been a real timesaver, as well as a fun way to put an old piece of equipment back into productive use.

Washing Carrots w/ antique potato washer

Washing Carrots w/ antique potato washer

Despite concerns about flea beetles, blight, and too much rain, we have been delighted that our peppers and eggplant are producing enough fruit to go around. We even managed to get decent tomatoes out of our dying plants for the last three weeks.

But there’s no doubt that summer is coming to a close. We started our harvest today at the usual early time, yet found ourselves needing warm hats and extra jackets. The crisp air nipped our fingers and reminded us that soon we will be pushed inside by the cool weather.

Before that time comes however, we have a few remaining chores…one of the largest being the wedding harvest. During the first week of October, we will be harvesting all the vegetables for our wedding reception. Chef Dan Martello at Good Luck Restaurant has generously created a wedding menu based around what produce we will have available on the farm at that time. We will therefore have the opportunity to share our bounty with 100 of our closest friends and family. What an honor! Until then, as you can imagine, we are staying quite busy.